This is the incredibly inspiring Kitty Gallannaugh, get ready to get lost in her world....

2. Who has influenced you the most in terms of photography?

3. What is your favourite style of photography (Self portraiture? Fashion? Documentary)?

4. What is your process when taking photo's, from getting ideas to editing?

6. Where do you hope to go with your photography?
To the ends of the world and home again. my dreams are too big to fit beneath my skull, so I kind of just let them leak out instead. I hope to continue to grow both as an artist and as a human being, continue learning and just never stopping doing what I love.

9. Who are some other photographers you admire?

10. What is your best tip to taking a striking photo?

13. What is your favourite photo you have taken? (Link and describe why)

14. What are some of your favourite films, books and musicians?

16. Do you think it’s hard to be original in photography? How do you keep your ideas original and fresh?

18. Do you often change a lot of the original photo in Photoshop?
Not at all really, I usually tone the image with colours - either colour it with delicious hues or desaturate it, but nothing ever beyond the realms of colouring.
I kiss my photos with pastels and learn how to tame the light to be hazy, so I suppose that is where my comfort zone lies. I do think I have something of a "style" in that respect.

21. If you could photograph any person alive or dead who would it be and why?

24. Which actor would play you in the film of your life?

Lots of things but mainly a firewoman called penny (I was somewhat obsessed with the show fireman Sam).

1. Fill me in on your background, where are you from and how did you get
in to photography?
I came into existence 21 August's ago
and was named after my great-granny. We've lived in the same place in London
all my life and my roots have grown deep down, I'm so happy here. I started to
photograph when I was 5 or 6, I was given a red child's camera and I spent all
my time photographing everything. Everything includes my hamster to car
journeys. When I was 7 we went to a hotel where I went to play with a group of
other kids of all ages. A large boy with shaved hair came up to me and said,
"your camera is stupid" and it made me really scared. His friend came
over and they mocked my camera saying it wasn't real and how I was a stupid
little girl. Impulsively I pulled the viewfinder to my face, squealed
"smile", took the skinhead's photo with the flash on and ran as fast
as I could away from them. And I still have that photo today! it gave me this
boost of courage that photographing was a way of documenting, whether it was
the hotel bully or something that made you happy. When I was 13 I picked up my
first digital camera and taught myself how to edit photos on the computer, and
since then I just never stopped. for the past 8 years I have never slowed down
with experimenting or wanting to take the camera away from my face, it is more
than a passion to me.

2. Who has influenced you the most in terms of photography?
I think everything now is the
culmination of a lifetime of inspiration. I grew up with a very open mind, I
loved learning about geography, about art, how to make things, inventions - I
liked to get my hands dirty. I once spent an entire afternoon as a 4 year old
dipping my pennies into marmite to make them look 'old', much to my parent's
dismay. I believe we're all influenced by our surroundings, especially when
we're young and have a mind like a sponge, we're constantly learning and
growing. My family was very artistic and greatly encouraged me to follow my own
heart with what I wanted to do. I don't think one person has contributed
greater than anyone else, it has been more of a team effort from everyone.

3. What is your favourite style of photography (Self portraiture? Fashion? Documentary)?
I specialise in fashion and editorial
photography but do adore photojournalism (only to look at, not to take myself).

4. What is your process when taking photo's, from getting ideas to editing?
I think I'm a little bit erratic when
it comes down to any form of photographic process, every time seems to be
different. sometimes I'll have an idea and shoot it the very next day, other
times I'll sit down and draw on paper what I want to achieve and then find the
'perfect' model for the theme. I shoot like a monkey; halfway up a tree trunk
or rolling around on my stomach, I kind of forget that I should be a person
walking on their feet. I picture the final image through my lens, it keeps me
focussed and helps me direct the model more easily. afterwards I then spend
time picking the strongest images to edit, I make notes as to what needs to be
done and then play around in Photoshop until I'm a happy monkey.
A wild imagination and spark in my
heart. and 'canny' my camera of course.

6. Where do you hope to go with your photography?
To the ends of the world and home again. my dreams are too big to fit beneath my skull, so I kind of just let them leak out instead. I hope to continue to grow both as an artist and as a human being, continue learning and just never stopping doing what I love.
7. Why do you think people are drawn to photography?
Photography can cover all manner of
things; it can provoke emotions, advertise, it can document, be an escape but
also an eye-opener too. there are so many forms of photography which can suit
anyone and everyone, it engulfs and includes those who wish to be immersed in
it. It never turns people away, it welcomes them in and I think that is why
people are drawn to it.
Everyone has different qualities, and
I find people's individual traits fascinating. I like models who are
comfortable with themselves and down-to-earth. I get drawn to the shy kids who
don't believe they have anything 'special' when they really do, they make me
more determined to prove just how unique they are. whether someone has a
beautiful smile, amazing hair, nimble fingers, sun-kissed freckles or sparkly
eyes there is something wonderful about everyone. and as a photographer I
believe it is my duty to photograph what makes them stand out from the crowd. I
photograph everyone and anyone who is willing to let their guard down.

9. Who are some other photographers you admire?
Tim Walker, Akif Hakan Celebi, Sally
Mann, Rosie Hardy, Annie Leibovitz. They are all so wonderful at what they do.

10. What is your best tip to taking a striking photo?
Photograph something that you're
passionate about. Emotions of the photographer are so easily translated through
the composition of a photograph, and if your heart is fully into what you're
photographing then people will be able to see it.

11. Your photos seem to incorporate your surroundings and the elements,
is this a big part of your style?
Absolutely. there's nothing better
than being able to lay across an old oak branch or swing from a postbox. Having
surroundings to interact with makes things feel more fun, and that's definitely
something I try to incorporate into my style.
12. What is your favourite photo taken by another photographer? (Link
and describe why)

It locks my eyes in, it's the yummy
tones which look like a balmy summer afternoon. The styling makes me think of
my childhood dolls, so I connect into it and it leaves me with a nostalgic
feel. Overall, I think it's a stunning photo which I consider my favourite. Katie
is magical.

13. What is your favourite photo you have taken? (Link and describe why)

I don't think there is one that
stands out more than the others. I am incredibly fond of Windspray (above). It's a sentimental photo, my sister and I sat on
the jetty all afternoon taking photos. the canoe club came and watched us take
this photo, there were about 30 teenagers all standing behind me as I took this
one shot, I felt so intimidated but Libby was as cool as a cucumber and didn't
let it phase her. her courage and willingness is something I admire so greatly,
I'm lucky to have such a beautiful sister to model for me.

14. What are some of your favourite films, books and musicians?
I love the films 'submarine',
'amelie' & 'love actually'. my favourite book is 'the notebook'. my favourite
musicians range from Sigur Ros, Coldplay to Gotye.

15. What has been your biggest achievement so far with your photography?
I see every day as an achievement,
each new shoot I complete is a new milestone for me. Every new opportunity is
gratefully received whether it's a lookbook, editorial or just getting to chat
with someone new. I recently was asked to go out to Lebanon and shoot a Galaxy
chocolate campaign which I was thrilled about, but the job fell through last
minute so I had a bit of a sad heart. But I have some new prospects which I am
excited to let unfold so they will hopefully be new achievements for me.

16. Do you think it’s hard to be original in photography? How do you keep your ideas original and fresh?
Yes and no, it's a funny balance.
whatever one does in photography will have likely been done before, but no one
can ever own a concept or theme, we can only put our own interpretation into
something that may have already been done before. Lots of people shoot themes
like alike in wonderland or little red riding hood, but what makes it different
is each artist's style and take on it. I think to be original, people need to
be inspired by others and take it to their level. turn an idea into your own,
change it like clay in your fingers until it leaves no trace but just your own
fingerprints on it. It isn't always easy, but the more one tries new things the
more they'll find themselves pleasantly surprised with their results.
17. Which photographer do you think I should interview next and why?
Emily Tebbetts, she is such a role
model both as an artist and a soul. she has bucketfuls of talent and is someone
I consider a wonderful friend but more so an incredible human being.

18. Do you often change a lot of the original photo in Photoshop?
Not at all really, I usually tone the image with colours - either colour it with delicious hues or desaturate it, but nothing ever beyond the realms of colouring.
19. Do you think you have an original style that is you own?
I kiss my photos with pastels and learn how to tame the light to be hazy, so I suppose that is where my comfort zone lies. I do think I have something of a "style" in that respect.
20. Do you prefer studio or location?
Location just works better for me, I
prefer to be able to interact with the world around us and draw it into the

21. If you could photograph any person alive or dead who would it be and why?
Gemma Ward, I'm a huge fan of her.
she has such a pixie-like quality which is hugely inspiring and truly
22. You seem to document your relationship with your boyfriend, does he
inspire you? Tell us how you met?
Endlessly so. He's my blue-eyed muse.
We met on deviantart in 2006, he commented on a blossom tree photo of mine and
that was the first communication we had. He moved over officially from Australia
in 2008 and now we have our own little house and spend our time playing
scrabble, baking banana cakes, listening to our vinyl's and going on photo
adventures. Life wouldn't be where it is now without his support, devotion and
The skinny is probably more of a
chunky (like the kitkat bars, mmh!) I'm working on a new blog at the moment. I
already have one, but it's just limited me on too many things; not being able
to have pictures wider than 593 pixels on display or feeling it wasn't interactive
enough with the viewer. I love blogging and felt determined to keep my blog
going, but decided it would be more fun to make something completely new that I
would be wholeheartedly thrilled with. I wanted to be able to blog
without feeling like it was a chore. I think this new lease of life will
hopefully make me focus more on the quality of my photos rather than the
quantity, and I hope others will enjoy what I make!

24. Which actor would play you in the film of your life?
I think that would be the single most
boring film ever! It would probably have to be Elle fanning for the fact she
giggles a lot just like me and does tend to talk very fast and go off on little
tangents (story of my life!)

25. What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
Lots of things but mainly a firewoman called penny (I was somewhat obsessed with the show fireman Sam).
Thank you so much Kitty, it was truly a pleasure to feature you :)
Peace xx
this post swells with inspiration! ♥
ReplyDeleteOnly just found this on google and so happy i did! Kitty is a god! Love her work!
ReplyDeleteHi niice reading your blog